E-Book: Restoring Your Front Porch
Is your front porch missing or does it need to be restored? I have written an 75 page e-book to guide you in your restoration. This information picks up from the information about Porches on my website which you should read first. It also includes many links to other resources.
Topics we cover:
The Porch Floor
- Wood vs Non-wood Flooring
- Preventing Water Damage & Rot
- What to do with the Ends of the Flooring
- Painting Your Porch and Colors
The Porch Roof -Flashing -Gutters links to articles
The Porch Stairs
- Making Stair Treads and Design
Porch Piers
- Pier Panels and Design
Columns & Posts
- The Porch Beam
- Placement and Alignment of Supports
- What Style – Column or Post?
- Column & Post Size, Design and Where to Buy
- Appropriate Size and Width
- Turned Porch Posts Design & Size
- Gingerbread Decoration
The Porch Balustrade
- Constructing the Balustrade, Design and Measurements
Online Porch Part Manufacturers
General Porch Info links
Carpenters Specializing in Restoration sorted by state
Wood versus Man-made Products & Contractors Opinions
Porch Designs & Parts 1878-1934
Archived Builders catalogs 1843-1959