Old House Restoration Services to Improve Curb Appeal
The following is a small sample of the over 800 rendering projects. Click on the image to make it larger. I do not have a listing of the colors used in the projects below. If you are interested in obtaining the color name and code for any of the samples, please email me with the Project ID listed below the project name. There is a $20 research fee payable through Pay Pal or check. Also consider our paint color rendering service.
Same Colors, Corrected Placement in Ocean Grove NJ
House colors are good but paint color placement was off. One thing you can tell is that the original siding was replaced. Notice that in the turret next to the right window there is clapboard and that is painted blue. Really there should be shingles in that location that are matching the shingle color. The base of the turret on the first floor should also be shingled so the gold color is used keeping the turret one color. This is not always done historically but would have a better appearance. Clapboard should be one color and shingles can be a different color providing there is trim separating the two.
Unfortunately a previous homeowner replaced the original windows. I installed new repro Victorian windows with shades in the after photo.
Scope of Work:
- Correct color placement.
- Add historically correct windows.
1885 Historic House Makeover & Video NJ
This 1885 had undergone many changes over the years that totally destroyed any trace of architectural character. Unfortunately it is too late to put all these residents in jail where they belong. Fortunately a new homeowner will now restore this house to bring back its beauty. Unfortunately there were no photos or information to do an accurate restoration so a historically inspired design was implemented.
Check out the process in this video I created on You Tube. Click for makeover video.
Scope of Work:
- Remove full porch and create space for parking.
- Install wood siding.
- Remove and replace large 1940’s window on first floor.
- Replace windows with 2/2 wood windows.
- Extend roof eaves outward 1 foot.
- Add brackets and frieze board under eaves.
- Add new trim, window casings, window crown, window sill, window apron.
- Open up existing transom window, new entrance and Italianate double doors.
- Add real shutters, glass and lace curtains.
- New concrete steps and top quality iron railing appropriate for city houses.
1905 Late Queen Anne Restoration NJ
Scope of Work:
- Replace vinyl siding with shingled siding on 2nd floor.
- Add frieze board and bed mold trim in corner of frieze board and other areas.
- Remove current balustrade etc.
- Install new balustrade with square balusters.
- Install new Tuscan columns.
- Remove shrubs, rebuild house behind shrubs and install new porch skirt with square lattice.
- Install new window casings, sash, curtains.
- Remove storm door.
- Install iron roof cresting.
- Paint colors similar to historic photo.
1860 Farmhouse in NC
As you see in the before image, the wood in the house is in bad condition. Because of this the paint color I apply will still appear distressed like the wood. I therefore applied new wood siding, trim and windows in the rendering.
Scope of Work
- New wood siding and trim.
- New wood windows and curtains.
- New paint colors.
1884 Main Street Building in Gunnison Colorado
The previous owner really made a mess of this building. So much of the architecture was removed making the building look incomplete and off balance. Above the large windows should be stained glass or block glass but piping was installed making restoration out of the new owners budget. When businesses move into a building they just basically take an ax and do what they need to do to get their business going. The new owner is opening up an accounting firm and really cares about the buildings historic character but unfortunately cannot do a proper restoration.
For me to agree to take on this project the building would need to look architecturally correct before choosing colors. After studying the building I found that by adding basically four pieces of wood (see if you can find them), the architecture would appear correct and the facade of the building would be in balance. A very cheap fix with a huge impact.
See the before and after photo. The bad gaudy pizza-parlor colors are the same but with just a few pieces of wood added the building is transformed.
Scope of Work:
- Correct architecture.
- Historic paint colors.