Remember you can help save the character of other old homes by referring our website to friends, neighbors and your local historical society. Education is the best way to save history and to keep your neighborhood looking good! Follow us and do it right!
Be Green! Save energy by insulating old homes! New high energy products are being pushed on homeowners everywhere you look. But what effect do these products have on our health?
This deserted historic building looks haunted and is in danger of demolition. See how historic restoration can give our old Victorian homes for sale a chance at a new life. This “haunted house” looks friendly after being restored. As you can see, this house has been deserted and neglected for quite a few years. It’s run down condition makes it …
This is a beautiful house. Here is the before and after although the after is not what the homeowner chose. We are all brainwashed by bad architecture and bad paint colors. That’s why most of you are here. I was very disappointed that this beautiful house could not be adorned with colors appropriate to its style and period. Instead the homeowner preferred blue (vinyl siding color) with cream trim. What do you think? Should a prize house be true to its history and architecture or the whims of the homeowner no matter how bad it looks?
Additionally the screens on the front porch will be removed. A front porch should never be screened-in, if you care about curb appeal.
Every old house owner must subscribe to The Old House Journal.
If you live in a town where your local government or code enforcement does not understand historic preservation, I suggest buying a gift subscription for them.
By browsing this magazine an interest and respect for old houses may develop.
A timeless kitchen is what you need if you’re tired of periodic remodeling. A timeless kitchen will NOT look dated or tired, or look like yesterday’s trend and technology. Everyday someone comes out with a new product or design that the advertisers insist you absolutely need. Appliance technology is always being improved and that new improvement also comes with a …
If you want an open floor plan – don’t buy an old house. If you have an old house don’t ruin it by trying to make it into something modern. This is a hot topic. Read the article and all the comments people made about this.