Remember you can help save the character of other old homes by referring our website to friends, neighbors and your local historical society. Education is the best way to save history and to keep your neighborhood looking good! Follow us and do it right!
Christmas lighting can add to the joyful holiday festivities with houses decorated in all their splendor. Christmas lighting with brightly colored lights can make a beautiful house much more beautiful but it needs to be done right. We have all seen houses decorated with Christmas lights in such a way that make a nice house look like an absolute mess. …
The Kitchen Plan Book is a collection of state of the art kitchens from 1917.
This book is great for the owner of an old house who wants to restore the kitchen.
An old house with a modern kitchen just doesn’t work. This book has some great plans to follow. Read more.
Storm Window Recommendations
Aluminum storm windows are your best bet to not only save heat but protect your original windows from the elements. Protecting your window with a storm window also defers maintenance. The secret to energy savings is to have storm windows with Low E glass. This is something that the older storm windows do not have. The secret to a …
Every old house owner must subscribe to The Old House Journal.
If you live in a town where your local government or code enforcement does not understand historic preservation, I suggest buying a gift subscription for them.
By browsing this magazine an interest and respect for old houses may develop.