We’re busy now with the rush for house painting. Don’t wait till the last minute to choose your paint colors.
Remember you can help save the character of other old homes by referring our website to friends, neighbors and your local historical society. Education is the best way to save history and to keep your neighborhood looking good! Follow us and do it right!
Owning a house new or old is expensive. Many homeowners see maintenance issues and know they should be addressed but frequently put it off. The problem is that these maintenance issues quickly become large expensive repairs. As a steward of an old house, this homeowner is being irresponsible and making a foolish financial decision. This repair now becomes expensive and …
There is a big difference between the appearance of wood windows and vinyl windows. See the difference of how they look in this house and their effect on curb appeal.
Excellent News! Storm windows will soon be part of the Energy Star Rebate program. Andersen Windows tried to stop it. If you recently purchased storms the rebates will probably be retroactive. Keep checking. Read more.
If you have an Arts & Crafts home you should be getting this free online magazine. Read more .
Before & After Renderings
Here is some great information. If everybody followed these guidelines and if municipalities enforced this our streets would be beautiful. Read on.
This house came in to me for our paint rendering service. Needless to say I refused the job because of the hideous windows and shutters. I did explain though why I wouldn’t do the work. The colors are awful but before I would consider the project they have to make the house look normal.
Every old house owner must subscribe to The Old House Journal.
If you live in a town where your local government or code enforcement does not understand historic preservation, I suggest buying a gift subscription for them.
By browsing this magazine an interest and respect for old houses may develop.
Walkway lighting seems to be the rage for the average house these days. Did you ever wonder why you see walkway lighting on an average house and not on a more well-to-do house? Homeowners of more substantial homes use landscape lighting to highlight some of their landscaping and the house – never the walkway. Using walkway lighting fixtures on the …
The cottage. A Bungalow, a Cape Cod, just any modest cosey dwelling in a traditional design. After house shopping for a long time you finally find the house of your dreams. It’s the cutest cottage you have ever seen. Just like something out of a story book. At one time there were many cottages like this. But what happened to them? …
The use of classic moldings date back to ancient Greece and Rome. Classic moldings were designed to work with light. They were designed to create contrast and shadows to give definition and add interest. Over the years the profile of these moldings have become watered down and changed in shape to something they were never meant to be. What moldings …
I have read many blog articles about how to improve a house with the use of molding. Adding a cornice with cove molding, embellishing window and door casings etc. are some examples. These blogs say to take different types of moldings and put them together to create a more ornate appearance. This all sounds great and at first glance it …